Webring-Cartography-Folklore-somethingsomethingsomething. This— this is a furious little project. I can't help it.
You'll find artist statements (this technically being one of them) perched and lighthous-like as you delve deeper into the project, each of which outline the themes and customs of local pages, and then some. Which is to say they cover and explain my work.
Are the more beckoning stars? I talk about constellations in weird, infrequent segments and in both the method and subject I'm trying to paint the bigger picture here. While, as I said earlier, that this project is purposefully unfinished in the sense that the formation of identity (especially at a transitive age in a transitive age) is an ongoing process, I do hope this might actually work.
Those artist's statemnts will try their best to relate their local customs towards immigration and identity, and thereby to nationalism and globalization. If I'm a diligent student by the end of this I might even mention the outcomes you should mark me on. Basically, they'll be breaks from the incessant, quixotic hintings-towards-meaning so I may relax and elaborate. They, more than this, will be your reading guide.
That's not all I want to say here however! Other things worth mentioning might be the block of links which you'll see in the lefthand side of this page (though their position and format often vary greatly), though I'm assuming you won't need a tutorial for that (otherwise, I would've/should've put this page earlier on the tree). Stars are buttons; in some pages you can hover your mouse over certain texts for more text to appear. A select few even have their own mechanics, but that's when I was younger than I am. Each of them however should be self-explanatory or designed to let you know whether implictly or explicitly. The nature of this work demands discretion, or rather, discrete pages.
I hope I've explained the nature od this work properly. I fear I already have, and a a little more than enough as well, but nonetheless I have an artist's staement that delves deeper on the reasoning behind the project.
But even then... If this is a reading guide, then how you should read this is softly, and coalescent. It should alight in how, the more probe and explore, the more even distant ideas become related to each other. While I'm glad for the artist's statements note that they're more herald than scion.
Also note: a lot of spelling errors. But some things you think aren't intentional are. Either way, help me out here. Trust me.